A garden is a living canvas that can change and adapt to complement your style, mood and the season.
Many customers come to us for colour inspiration. Often they are afraid to use the wrong colour in their garden scheme. We believe that you can’t get things wrong when choosing colours for your garden. It is a living canvas that can change and adapt to complement your style, mood and the season we’re in. We aim to display harmonising planting ideas outside our Garden House ‘doorways’ to inspire and delight, and remember you can always dig up a flower and move it elsewhere if it doesn’t work for you! When we talk to our customers about colour, we often ask them to think in terms of fashion and what colours they like such as direct contrasts of blue and yellow or harmonious pastels. We believe that you should not mix too many primary colours together but instead strike a balance in your garden and work with nature to avoid it looking like a jar of jelly beans.
One of our goals is to encourage year-round pleasure from your garden, we can take you through a journey of colour and scent to optimise your enjoyment of your garden space whatever the season. Once you select the anchor plants you wish to use, you can add excitement to your garden by adjusting or highlighting certain colours from season to season. It’s easy with a helping hand from our team to meet your gardening needs. If you want to mix colours then think about how you can do that in different parts of the garden and create visual breaks between them to develop your story. We often advise customers to paint a garden wall as part of their overall scheme.

We advocate successional planting in your garden, working in harmony with nature to achieve the look you desire. If you remember that most plants flower for a 6-8 week period, then continuing the cycle will bring uninterrupted garden interest all the year round. In early spring gardens bounce into life with pure white blooms, cool blues and vibrant yellow bulbs. Gem-like crocuses and dancing daffodils lead well into tulips and majestic polyanthus to excite the senses. Make your garden burst into life with fresh colours and vibrant green growth to decorate your borders or brighten your containers.
Summer provides a vast choice of colours for our gardens. Annual bedding plants provide nonstop colour throughout this season in containers. Summer is the season of roses. Roses from David Austin the renowned rose breeder come in beautiful colours, are highly fragrant and repeat flower over the Summer. In later Summer hydrangea are back in vogue, there are some incredible new varieties in some fabulous colours.
In Autumn late performers can inject a new energy into tired borders. Vibrant foliage and bountiful fruits provide a seasonal finale to the garden. Hues of yellow, gold, copper, ochre and crimson flourish. Rudbeckia flower for months on end with a rich yellow flower. The combination of purple Verbena and white Japanese anemone is really simple and flowers for three or more months. Grasses come into their own in early Autumn. Viola will liven up containers this season.
By Winter, heather, berries and trees add vital colour to your garden. Evergreen plants and shrubs with contrasting textures, shapes and colours bring interest. This is the time of year when highly scented shrubs are in the ascendant. Daphne, Sarccocca, witch hazel and mahonia all have a scent which is carried on the cold winter air.